Why Wait?
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint (Isaiah 40:31, KJV).
Scripture: Isaiah 40:27-31
Song: “Wings as Eagles”
There’s something majestic about eagles, as they glide, wheel and soar high above the earth. In flapping flight, they use tremendous amounts of energy. But God has given eagles the ability to soar almost effortlessly for hours on thermal air currents. They are borne aloft to altitudes they could never reach in their own strength, and then glide until they find another thermal and soar upward again. When the strong but invisible currents on which they depend are not present—on cool, windless mornings, for example—eagles usually content themselves with a high perch, waiting for the unseen forces to stir again.
Today’s verse speaks of lifting up, sustaining and renewing strength, but hangs all that upon something many people find difficult: waiting. We simply hate to wait! But if we are to “mount up with wings as eagles,” if we would rise above those things that oppress and keep us down in our daily lives, waiting on God is an imperative. When we get ahead of God, we go on our own, forgoing His strength even as our stamina is quickly depleted, and see disappointing results. We need not only God’s will, in God’s way, but also in God’s time. And though He may seem slow to us, He’s never late!
Lord, please develop in me the patience to wait for You, rather than relying on my own strength. In Your name, amen.