To begin the session:
Distribute copies of the “Attitude of Gratitude” exercise from the activity page, which you can download here. Have learners complete it individually (in a minute or less) before revealing the answers.
After calling time on the activity, invite responses to these questions: 1–What does gratitude do for us? 2–How is gratitude connected to worship? Transition by talking about how the group will be studying verses from Zechariah to discover that there is much to rejoice about and be thankful for!
To encourage personal application:
Distribute copies of “Play by the Rules” exercise from the activity page. Have participants work in groups of three or four to complete as indicated before sharing their rules with the larger group. Allow several minutes for groups to complete this activity.
In the remaining minutes, have participants each write a short prayer rejoicing and thanking God for the many wonderful qualities in Jesus, our king and Messiah.