Restitution Made
Any man or woman who wrongs another in any way and so is unfaithful to the LORD is guilty and must confess the sin they have committed. (Numbers 5:6, 7).
Scripture: Exodus 22:1-3; Numbers 5:5-7
Song: “Nothing But the Blood”
My son, a generally good kid, model student, and knowledgeable of the Bible joined in some fun instigated by a younger friend to heckle his Sunday school teachers in class one morning. He became sorry about his actions on the ride to his teachers’ home later that afternoon where he faced the couple as he made his confession for causing the disturbance and promised to not repeat the action.
With me uncompromisingly involved, my son had no choice but to admit his wrong, confess openly, and apologize. Yet, as I reflect on my life, I realize my own reluctance to admit wrong with an all-too-easy readiness to substitute open confession with a pledge within myself to try to do better next time. Even if we need help, it is only honest, humble confession that brings us under the ultimate restitution that Christ made for us on the cross. There is no other remedy for our sins. Upon confession, we are forgiven of any burden and released from our guilt so we are able to follow Jesus in humble obedience.
Father, thank You for the restitution that Your Son made for me at the cross. May I live joyously as Your forgiven disciple. In my Savior’s name, amen.
March 18–24. Eunice Porter, a retired State of Oregon employee, is a mother of three, grandmother of five, musician, seamstress, and capitol volunteer.