Never Stop Following God
So Abram left, as the LORD had told him, and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he set out from Haran (Genesis 12:4).
Scripture: Genesis 11:10, 27, 31, 32; 12:1-4
Song: “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah”
Daniel Boone kept moving. Born in Pennsylvania, his family moved to North Carolina. North Carolina became too crowded, so he blazed a new trail from North Carolina to the undeveloped land of Kentucky. Late in his life, when others his age were sick or dying, he moved out to the semi-tamed wilderness of Missouri.
At an age when most people settle down, Abram packed up his family and headed to entirely new lands. Not because of a sense of wanderlust, but an abiding faith in God. When God called Abram followed, no matter his age or circumstances.
New situations and locations present their own challenges and opportunities. When we follow God’s lead He provides and equips us to meet any challenges, growing us and transforming us in the process. We never need to fear the unknown or new challenges when we are moving in obedience to God.
God never wants us to settle. We always need to be ready to fol- low His call to the next ministry opportunity. To follow God in faith is a true adventure, but a sure one, as we are in God’s hands. Let us eagerly seek God’s call and direction.
O God in Heaven, You made us for a purpose. Let us seek Your calling and surrender our lives for You to fulfill Your purpose in us. In Jesus’ name, amen.