So, What Does It Take?
Those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples (Luke 14:33).
Scripture: Luke 14:25-33
Song: “Will You Come and Follow Me?”
Sam and Alice were not a happy couple the day Billy told them about his plans to join the Marines. It had been a struggle to get Billy through high school. Partway through his junior year, he’d been in a fight on the school grounds. When the school security guard broke up the fight, they smelled alcohol on Billy’s breath. Billy had only narrowly avoided getting kicked out of school.
But he made it. They had made it. Now, with a community college degree and a good lead on an electrical engineering job down the line, things at last looked better. Sam and Alice breathed easier.
Then Billy broke the news. He had already enlisted and would ship out in a few weeks. He thought the Marines would help get his life on track, and he wanted to serve his country. Alice cried. Sam, who had pulled strings to get Billy admitted to the community college, was furious.
Like Billy, we all come to risky moments of possibly disappointing those who have loved and nurtured us. To break out of the crowd and truly follow Jesus, we may have to do things that others find ridiculous or unwise. But only when we’re ready to risk that can we follow Jesus more closely.
Almighty God, You have given me family and friends who love me, to strengthen me and nurture me along the way. But there comes a time when even those who love me might hold me back from following You. Help me, Lord, to follow You no matter the cost. Help me to love You more than I desire human praise. Through Christ, amen.