To engage the learners in a study of the Scripture text:
Download the “It’s a Conspiracy!” quiz here. Make copies for each group of three to five class members. Divide the class into groups and give them fifteen minutes to match deceivers with deceptions. Then reveal the answers. They are: 1=e, 2=n, 3=i, 4=m, 5=g, 6=a, 7=b, 8=l, 9=d, 10=f, 11=h, 12=k, 13=c, 14=j
Conclude by quickly summarizing today’s text—the deception to steal Isaac’s blessing from Esau.
To encourage personal application:
Write this quote on the board: “Half the truth is often a great lie.”—Benjamin Franklin
Wrap up the session by discussing the quote. What do you think it means? Can you give an example of it? When have you been tempted to tell a half-truth rather than the whole truth?
If you have time, follow up by brainstorming ways people deceive one another with their words and actions. Some items on your list may be: white lies, exaggeration, use of abstract language, cover-up, omission of important facts, avoiding a question, etc. Close in individual prayer in which class members ask God for forgiveness for purposely deceiving others.