To begin the session:
Download the “Jigsaw Quote” puzzle here.
Make a copy for each class member. Allow class members to work on the puzzle individually or cooperatively as they arrive.
After all class members have had a chance to work the puzzle, ask them to reveal the reassembled quote. They will have found it to say, “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men—Frederick Douglass.”
Discuss the quote briefly. How have they found it to be true? How does one build strong children or repair broken adults? Then lead into Bible study by saying, “We may fix broken appliances and broken furniture, but how are broken lives repaired? The Bible has the answer.”
To engage the learners in a study of the Scripture text:
Divide the class into groups of three to five members each. Give each group a few sample business cards, a blank index card, pens and markers, and one of these Scripture assignments: Deliverer (Psalm 34:4-7); Provider (Psalm 34:8-10); Reconciler (Hebrews 2:17, 18).
Have groups read their assigned text and then design a business card for God or Jesus based on the information found in the text. Each card might include the name of God or Jesus, the overall functions he performs as found in the text, some specific things he does, a slogan that might be used, and the Scripture reference. Here are some sample ideas:
Deliverer group:
The Lord
Deliverer of His People
- Removing fear and shame
- Rescuing from trouble
- Offering angelic protection
“Hearing even the poor and humble”
Psalm 34:4-7
Provider group:
The Lord
Provider for the Saints
- Guaranteed goodness
- Necessities supplied
- Building trust
“Ensuring against want”
Psalm 34:8-10
Deliverer group:
Reconciling People to God
- Understanding human frailty
- Paying for human sin
- Empowering the tempted
“The faithful high priest”
Hebrews 2:17, 18
Allow groups to present and explain their completed work.