To begin the session:
Download the “Forecasts for 2018” worksheet here. Make copies for every class member. Distribute the worksheet and allow class members about five minutes to choose three predictions that they believe are likely to occur and three that are very unlikely to occur.
Allow class members to explain why they found certain events likely or unlikely to occur. Talk about how dire predictions about the future can affect people. Lead into Bible study by saying, “Some predictions are clearly unbelievable. But others may be likely and cause us concern. Daniel had clear knowledge of the future due to revelation from God. Let’s see how his strong faith allowed him to react to that knowledge.”
To engage the learners in a study of the Scripture text:
Make copies of the lesson text for each class member. Distribute them along with pens and give the following Scripture marking assignment.
- Draw a line through each negative emotion Daniel experienced because of his prophetic visions.
- Underline each word or phrase of encouragement Daniel received from God’s angel.
- Circle the physical symptoms Daniel experienced due to his visions.
After ten minutes, have the class share their markings. Point out that while clear knowledge about the future might seem to be desirable, a strong faith is necessary to be able to handle such information.