To begin the session:
Distribute copies of the “A Holy Place” exercise from the activity page, which you can download here. Have learners complete it individually (in one minute) before sharing their creations with a partner. As a whole group, discuss what is required for a place to be considered holy. Continue the discussion by asking, “Why do we seek sacred spaces?”
After the activity, say, “With God’s approval and guidance, Solomon built the temple, and with God’s presence it became a holy place to worship and pray to God. But consequences would follow if the people forsook their faithfulness to him.”
To engage the learners in a study of the Scripture text:
Read through today’s passage aloud once. Distribute copies of the “If/Then Covenant” activity from the activity page. Have learners work in pairs to complete as indicated. (This exercise may be more time-consuming than it appears at first glance.) Then reconvene the whole class to discuss their work.