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In the World—January 7, 2018

By January 2, 2018"In the World"

Download In the World for January 7 here.


For most of us, the period from Thanksgiving Day through the end of the year is a time of feasting and celebration. Indulgence is the name of the game. Then, when the football games and parades of New Year’s Day are over, we face the time of reckoning. We realize we need to deal with those extra pounds and inches we have gained while we feasted. The second week in January sees more health club memberships purchased than any other week in the year, but within one month, 80% of the New Year’s resolution crowd has dropped out.


Daniel had been invited to perpetually feast at the king’s table, but he realized that a life of indulgence was not good for his health. However, it was more than a matter of not eating food which might harm him. The text says Daniel did not want to “defile” himself—a term that implies he saw a spiritual element to the king’s demand that he was not willing to accept.

  1. What is your experience with New Year’s resolutions to improve your lifestyle? Have you succeeded? For how long?
  2. Why do you think most people fail in their resolve to improve their eating and exercise habits, whether in January or at any other time?
  3. Is proper diet and exercise a matter of honoring God? What biblical passages contribute to your opinion?
  4. Does lack of good health habits indicate a spiritual problem? Why or why not?
  5. Have you ever experienced a demand such as Daniel did which placed your life-situation in jeopardy? Explain.

—Charles R. Boatman

Copyright © 2018 by Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family. All rights reserved.

Each download is for the use of one church only.

Jim Eichenberger

Author Jim Eichenberger

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