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In the World—February 25, 2018

By February 20, 2018"In the World"

Download In the World for February 25 here.


Last week, the federal investigation into Russian interference in our 2016 elections resulted in the indictment of 13 Russian individuals and three companies. The individuals posed as American citizens, using stolen identities. Pretending to be (among other things) Christian political activists and advocates of various political perspectives, they used social media and other means to promote dissension among Americans and destroy trust in the American electoral process.


Political dirty tricks are nothing new. We should not be surprised by them. When Christians do good in fighting the good fight of faith, we shouldn’t be surprised by that either. However, that doesn’t always happen. That’s why Paul insists that Timothy set an example in pursuing what is good and turning away from evil and falsehood. In using the word “fight,” Paul implies what we all know: we sometimes must struggle against the temptation to do evil.

  1. How is Russian interference in our elections dangerous to America? How does this compare to American attempts to influence elections in various countries? Explain.
  2. In what ways do Christians sometimes fail in doing good in their public lives? How can this influence public opinion about the church?
  3. List some of Paul’s instructions to Timothy. Which of these can help us be a positive witness to our fellow citizens in public life? Which of these have you found to be helpful in your struggles against various temptations?

—Charles R. Boatman

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Jim Eichenberger

Author Jim Eichenberger

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