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In the World–April 21, 2019

Download “In the World” for April 21 here.


Tiger Woods was once a brilliant young star in the world of professional golf. But scandals in his personal life and physical injuries took Woods’s game away. He had not won a major tournament since 2008, and many golf fans believed his career was over, or “dead.” Two years ago, Woods was bedridden; even he questioned his future as a professional golfer. However, last Sunday, Woods won the Masters Tournament in Augusta, GA. It was the fifth of his career. Sports writers are calling the win “a comeback for the ages” and his fans are hoping for a resurrected career.


On what we call Palm Sunday, Jesus was a rising star with fans praising Him as their long-hoped-for Messiah. Though He entered Jerusalem humbly, on a donkey instead of a warhorse, we do nevertheless call it the Triumphal Entry. Then, just a few days later, Jesus was executed as a criminal. With their anticipated Deliverer lying lifeless in a tomb, the disciples’ hopes had been dashed. Three days later, on that first Easter, Jesus rose from the dead, and with Him were resurrected the hopes of all the world for victory over evil and life beyond the grave.

  1. Should a Christian rejoice when tarnished celebrities succeed in their careers? Why or why not?
  2. How would you explain to an unbeliever how the Resurrection gives you hope in this life?
  3. Tell the class about a time when you were crushed by life’s circumstances, yet you had hope because of your faith in the resurrected Christ.

–Charles R. Boatman
Copyright © 2019 by Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family.
All rights reserved. Each download is for the use of one church only.

David C Cook Editorial

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