To engage the learners in a study of the Scripture text:
If you wish to consider the entirety of Paul’s defense in Acts 26, distribute copies of the “A Defense and a Testimony” exercise from the activity page, which you can download here, to be completed in the same small groups. During or after presentations of conclusions in whole-class discussion, write the following questions on the board:
- How can a defense be a testimony?
- Why was Paul’s testimony more important to him than his defense?
Jot responses on the board as they are voiced.
To encourage personal application:
Distribute copies of the “My Key Takeaway” exercise from the activity page. Have learners complete it individually in a minute or less. Assure learners in advance that you will not put anyone on the spot to share with the entire class, nor will you collect the completed exercise.
After the minute is up, allow the opportunity for volunteers to share their takeaways.