To engage the learners in a study of the Scripture text:
Distribute copies of the “Paul’s Hope” exercise from the activity page, which you can download here. Allow learners to work individually for one minute before pairing up to complete the exercise.
In the same pairs, ask learners to use Bible concordances to look up information about mystery in the New Testament. Have them answer how mystery is applied to Jesus, what other concepts are referred to as mysteries, and how these concepts of mystery are similar to or different from mystery as it might be used in pop culture. When pairs are finished, ask them to share what they found most eye-opening or helpful from their research.
To encourage personal application:
Distribute copies of the “My Hope” exercise from the activity page. Have learners complete it individually in a minute or less before discussing conclusions with a partner. Option. Have learners complete the page at home during the week.
Conclude with prayer that the class will experience joy as they grow in Christ this week.