To begin the session:
Download the “Job Benefits” activity here. Make copies for all class members. As class members arrive, allow them to work the activity according to the printed instructions individually or cooperatively.
After about five minutes, reveal these answers: 1=Health insurance, 2=Food allowance, 3=Continuing education, 4=Company car, 5=Reserved parking space, 6=Retirement plan, 7=Flexible hours, 8=Safe working conditions, 9=Paid vacation, 10=Moving expenses, 11=Family leave, 12=Health club membership
Lead into Bible study saying, “When we consider taking a new job, we expect that the job will include certain perks—benefits above and beyond a salary. When Jesus called those who would follow him, his was not call to big benefits and career advancement. It was a call to a life of sacrifice.”
To engage the learners in a study of the Scripture text:
Divide the class into groups of three to five students each. Give each group pen and paper. Each group should read the lesson texts and use them as a basis for writing a “Help Wanted” ad for the position of a disciple of Jesus.
Give groups about 15 minutes to work on their ads. Remind them that a typical ad of this sort includes a description of the job, job requirements, and salary. Here is our attempt at this assignment:
Position: Disciple of Jesus
Job Description: Those chosen to be a disciple of Jesus will live with him over an extended period, traveling with him wherever he goes. The disciple will take on the role of learner, observing Jesus’ work and carefully listening to his teaching. The goal of the job is to continue Jesus’ work of calling others to follow him.
Job Duties: Applicants must understand that much is expected in this position and to be fully aware of what is required before applying. Disciples must be willing to place a commitment to Jesus above all other commitments, including personal comfort and family ties. A disciple will be called upon to relocate regularly, work long hours, endure opposition, and leave his present life behind.
Salary: This is an unpaid position. A disciple will share any food, lodging, and any other necessity of life with Jesus himself.