Bearing with One Another
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love (Ephesians 4:2).
Scripture: Ephesians 4:1-7
Song: “Make Me a Channel of Your Peace”
Tears rolled down my eyes as we argued. I couldn’t understand how two people who loved each other so much could be in such disagreement. Thankfully, after 25 years of marriage, my husband and I have learned the meaning of “bearing with one another in love.” So we humbled ourselves, apologized, and hugged each other.
Peace and unity do not just happen. Both take effort. This is true for all our relationships, even within the church. The apostle Paul urges believers to bear with one another in love. To bear means to hold up or support. At the gym, my trainer asks me to lift (bear) weights to build muscle. In a similar way, God tells us to bear the weight of one another, yet not without purpose. Each time we hold up each other despite our flaws, we strengthen our spiritual muscles, individually, and as the body of Christ.
Dear friend, bearing with one another in love has a powerful purpose. It creates a bond of peace that helps us stand firm against the devil’s schemes. People are not our enemy. Let’s endeavor to be humble, gentle, and understanding, focusing on what unites us, rather than on what divides us. For we are one body, called to one hope, and dedicated to one purpose.
Father, I’m so grateful that You are gentle, patient, and kind, bearing with me despite my flaws. Please help me to show those same qualities to others. Make me a channel of Your peace. In Christ, amen.