To begin the session:
Download the “Welcoming a New Baby” activity here. Before class, make a copy for each class member. Give them about five minutes to work on the worksheet individually or cooperatively.
Then have them share their answers. The correct responses are: 1=VITAMINS, 2=OBSTETRICIAN, 3=ULTRASOUND, 4=CHILDBIRTH, 5=NURSERY, 6=PEDIATRICIAN, 7=SHOWER, 8=NAME, 9=CAR SEAT, 10=HOSPITAL, 11=DIAPERS, 12=COLLEGE.
Move into Bible study by saying, “Even before a child is born, parents begin to plan for the future. Mary and Joseph did the same thing! Let’s look at some of those preparations.”
To engage the learners in a study of the Scripture text:
Divide the class into three groups, giving each group pen and paper and one of the following sections of the text. Ask them to read the texts and to try to summarize them with a couplet (two rhyming lines) Give groups about 15 minutes to complete their work. (For a shortened class period, write our sample couplets on separate pieces of poster board. Use those couplets to help explain each text after reading it aloud.)
The PROMISE of a son (Luke 1:26-31)
The PRESENTATION of a son (Luke 2:22, 23, 27b)
The PREDICTIONS about a son (Luke 2:25-27a, 28-35)
Have groups present their couplets. They may be similar to these.
PROMISE—Gabriel’s promise provoked wonder and fears/News that Mary would bear a child seemed strange to her ears.
PRESENTATION—Mary and Joseph did what God willed/So the law of Moses would be fulfilled.
PREDICTIONS—Jesus had come to rescue the lost/But this act would happen at a great cost.