Everything Belongs to God
Laban answered Jacob, “The women are my daughters, the children are my children, and the flocks are my flocks. All you see is mine” (Genesis 31:43).
Scripture: Genesis 31:43-50
Song: “Take My Life”
I don’t usually counsel teenagers, but I was concerned about Janie, who was making poor choices in her relationship with her boyfriend. One afternoon as I was getting ready to meet with her, the Lord impressed upon me to bring her a gift. At the time, I lived on a farm, and running to the store wasn’t an option. I looked around the house, and my eyes landed on a porcelain bowl I’d received as a gift when I was 11. It was one of a few things I’d kept through my 30-plus moves.
For an hour, a “conversation” raged between God and me— mostly a one-sided rant from me. “God, a 16-year-old wouldn’t like a porcelain bowl.” “Jesus, how can I give up the one thing that has stayed with me?” “Surely, Lord, I can find something else.” Finally, after tears and time, I accepted the fact that God was asking me to give away my most precious possession.
As I remember that day, I’m thankful that I obeyed when I could have held back. The experience taught me to hold everything I own with an open hand because God owns everything anyway. He wanted me to give away my most precious possession so that He could show Janie she was His most precious possession.
Father, everything I have is Yours. Help me remember to be a good steward of the things You have given me and not see myself as an owner. In Jesus’ name, amen.