The Unexpected
May God Almighty bless you and make you fruitful and increase your numbers until you become a community of peoples (Genesis 28:3).
Scripture: Genesis 27:46–28:5
Song: “There Shall be Showers of Blessings”
The lava flow in Craters of the Moon National Monument in Central Idaho usually seems like a 60 mile long black, barren field. There is not much vegetation other than a few gnarled trees and some sage brush. But in the spring, when there is still snow in the sheltered areas, wild flowers bloom in a brief but dazzling show of color against the black backdrop. The display is stunning and very much unexpected in such a barren place.
Isaac’s family had become dark and barren because of Esau’s decision to marry Hittites (see Genesis 26:34, 35) and Jacob’s deception. Yet even in the barren and sorrowful consequences when Jacob fled from his brother’s wrath, we read Isaac’s unexpected blessing—a blessing that reflected God’s promise to Abraham, the blessing that truly mattered.
We can look for God’s blessing on us even in the barren places of our lives. And we can also ask God to show us how we can bless others, in His name, when they might be in similar situations.
Father, open my eyes to Your wonderful blessings for me and all who follow in Your way. In Christ’s name, amen.