Download the “Would You Rather?” activity here. As class members arrive, give them a copy of the activity and allow them to consider the choices listed on it. After everyone has arrived and has had a few minutes to consider the choices, select several of them and have class members respond by a show of hands. Pick a few of the options to discuss briefly.
Lead into Bible study by saying, “Yes, these are difficult choices. Fortunately, they are not ones any of us are likely to have to make. But imagine being presented with the choice of either willingly disobeying God or giving up your only child. Though this sounds outrageous, Abraham was given that very choice!”
To engage the learners in a study of the Scripture text:
Have a volunteer read the lesson text, so everyone is familiar with the account. Then write the following pairs of Scriptures on the board:
Genesis 22:2 John 3:16
Genesis 22:4 Luke 24:46
Genesis 22:6 John 19:17
Genesis 22:8 John 1:29
Ask volunteers to read a pair of Scriptures and then tell how the second Scripture relates to the first. In each case, a clear parallel between Isaac and Jesus will become apparent.
Close by reading Genesis 22:14. Note the irony of this account. It begins by apparently asking Abraham to make a sacrifice, but ending with the promise that it is the Lord who provides the ultimate sacrifice!