To begin the session:
Download the worksheet, “Presidential Legacies,” here. Make copies for every class member. Begin class by giving class members an opportunity to match U.S. presidents with their domestic economic programs. After a few minutes, reveal the answers.
The answers are: 1=Square, 2=New, 3=Deal, 4=Fair, 5=Frontier, 6=Society.
Briefly discuss this activity by asking if these programs had a great effect on the country. Are these programs why we remember each president? If we do not quickly associate a president with his program, for what do we remember each of them?
Transition into Bible study with: “Human life does not last forever, so we desire to leave our mark on earth in some real way. David had a plan as to how he would do that, but we will see that God had a different idea.”
To encourage personal application:
Conclude this session by asking for class members to share times when God seemed to say “no” to their plans. What similarities does David’s experience in today’s lesson have with their experiences? In retrospect, why do they think God said “no” to their plans? Were they not fully equipped for the job yet? Was someone else more qualified to accomplish a task? Were they better suited for a support role than a leadership role? Did God have another task in mind for them? What other reasons can they think of?
Close by singing a hymn of submission to God’s will such as “Take My Life and Let It Be” or “Have Thine Own Way.”