To begin the session:
On the board, write these sayings (or others that you know) that you might find on church message signs:
- T.G.I.F. – Thank God I’m Forgiven!
- If the devil is knocking, let Jesus answer he door!
- Cross Training inside!
- Drowning in your problems? Our lifeguard walks on water!
- God wants full custody not just holiday visits!
- God expects spiritual fruit, not religious nuts!
- Soul food served here!
- God wants your broken heart—but give Him all the pieces!
- Prevent Sinburn. Use Sonscreen.
- Forecast: God reigns and the Son shines!
To begin class, go down the list and ask class members to rate the effectiveness of each saying. They will rate them from 1–5 (lease effective to most effective) by holding up the number of fingers of their rating.
Briefly discuss this exercise by asking class members to give their rationale behind their ratings. How effective are signs like this in truly indicating that a church loves both God and people? What are some other ways people send messages about Jesus?
Lead into Bible study by saying, “A church may put a clever saying on a sign. People may have bumper stickers on their cars, wear Christian T-shirts, sport crosses or other jewelry, or send messages about their faith in any number of other ways. Today we will look at a sign God gave Abraham and his descendants to show their loyalty to God.”
To encourage personal application:
Close by distributing this handout, “Circumcision of the Heart.” Have class members complete it. Then close in prayer, asking that our circumcision of the heart clearly marks us as property of Jesus.